Deep Bows of Gratitude
To the land of my ancestors Bhárat Mata, Mother India, to the seers, the rishis, the sages, the yogins, all those who transmitted these practices through their own direct experience with consciousness and the path of illumination.
To my beloved teacher in the Sri Vidya lineage Nita Rubio and her guru Uma Parvathinath Saraswati and her guru Amritananda Nath Saraswati and the gurus that came before them; to our sangha in whose body these teachings dwell, to these streams of student and teacher relationship, study, and practice, I bow.
To my beloved yoga teacher Hanah Muse and her guru Baba Hari Dass; to our kula and to my foundational yoga teachers Julian Walker and Mansour; to these streams of student and teacher relationship, study, and practice, I bow.
To my beloved sister and teacher Gitanjali Hemp, visionary and founder of integrative energy healing modality Syntara System; to our awakened ancestors and the energies and principles of wisdom that have come together to birth this practice, I bow.
To the elements that birth creation and the Source of those elements that lives within each of us; to the Chumash people, lands, and ancestors that have held me and illuminated my path my entire life; to the trees, water ways, plant and animal beings, to the winged ones, and the swimming ones; to the Ohlone, Cherokee, and Esselen land and ancestors that have allowed me to be in relationship with the elements in service of healing, I bow.
To my teachers, mentors, and colleagues in Somatic, Depth, and Ecopsychology, I bow.
To my ancestors, family, and community, and all the teachers and healers that have touched my life, supported my integration, and awakened my heart, I bow.
In deep devotion and gratitude to the living wisdom of the body, I bow.